Administration & Faculty

Administrative Staff


Rev. Prof. Mbengu David Nyiawung is Dean of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary since July 2016.

He is holder of a PhD degree from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Pretoria – South Africa – in the area of New Testament Interpretation, with emphasis on African biblical hermeneutics as an approach in biblical interpretation. His stress on Contextualisation gives credence to Community Gospel as one of the pillars of relevant theological education for contemporary society.

As Dean, his focus on community engagement is visible in the creation of the Bishop July International Centre for Research, Inter-religious Dialogue, Research and Development, a research and development arm of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kumba. Through this Centre, about 1080 households have been empowered through the partnership with Kerk in Actie.

Vice Dean in-Charge of Academic Affairs (VDAA)


The Vice Dean in Charge of Academic Affairs at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary provides the academic and educational leadership of the institution under the overall direction of the Dean, including: communicating the academic programme(s); coordinates the development of the curricula; assigns courses to faculty; design academic calendars and timetable; coordinate the evaluation of faculty and students on academic matters; ensure daily teaching and learning progress; coordinate the distribution of didactic materials; coordinates examination, collect and record marks, submit marks for faculty deliberations and the publication of results.

Bio data

Rev. Dr. Felix Kang Esoh is Vice Dean in Charge of Academic Affairs since July 2020.

Since July 2020, the Rev. Dr. Felix Kang Esoh is the VDAA of the PTS. He is holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in World Christianity and Mission Studies from the Global Institute of Theology, United Graduate School of Theology in Yonsei University, South Korea. He is interested in, African Cultural, Political and Religious History, World Christianity, Cultural and Mission Studies, African and Global Pentecostalism, Reformation History and the Reformed Tradition, Ecumenical and Interreligious Studies, African socio-political and conflict history, contemporary Women and Gender issues and Decolonisation (Global Decolonal processes). He has published a number of academic articles and book chapters.

Vice Dean in-Charge of Students’ Affairs (VDSA)


He or she coordinates the activities of the students as the main laison between the Students and the Administration as well as the Faculty. He supervises their daily activities involving the various departments of the Students’ body and Government. He listens to all matters related to the well being of the students and ensures that a conducive and cordial atmosphere reigns amongst the Students. Grants permission and exit slip to students when necessary. Supervise and conduct election of the Students’ Government alongside faculty. Allocate houses and hostels to residential students. Besides coordinating the Students’ activities, the VDSA also coordinates the works of the auxiliary staff. Reports to the Faculty during Faculty meetings about the activities and welfare of Students as well as other services within his competence.

Bio data

Rev. Ngomo Dibo Mathias is Vice Dean in charge of Students’ Affairs since July 2018

Ngomo Dibo Mathias is an Ordained Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) who has served his Church at various levels. Since 2018, he was appointed Lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) Kumba where he also serves at the Administrative Level as the Vice Dean in charge of Students’ Affairs (VDSA). He holds a Masters Degree in Systematic Theology from the Presbyterian Theological Seminary Kumba, affiliated to the Protestant University of Central Africa (PUCA) Yaounde. He has taught courses like Dogmatics, Christian Ethics and Politics, Ecumenics, Christian Education, Johannine Writings and Non -Pauline Letters, African Indigenous Religions etc. His research interest is in Deconstructing Misleading Theologies, seeing African Indigenous customs and Practices as Evangelica Praeparatio for the Gospel, advocating for Ecumenism in the area of Christian Unity and Inter-Religious Dialogue to achieve Peace and Development by combating Religious Conflicts. He’s also interested in Ecological and Liberational Theologies by denouncing unfriendly environmental stewardships and socio-political oppressions in favour of ecological and social justice.



Registrar – PTS Kumba. Plan, coordinate and execute the admission process into the Presbyterian Theological Seminary (PTS) Kumba – send out, receive and treat application forms – advertise the Degree Program, issue admission letters and assign matricule numbers. Coordinate graduation activities in collaboration with the vice Dean in charge of Academy Affairs (VDSA) – Conduct election of student government, keeps students’ information confidential and secure.

Bio data

Rev. Dr. Atem Wang Gladys is registrar since July 2021

Rev Dr Gladys E. Atem Wang is an ordained minister of the PCC and lecturer at the PTS. Holds a PhD (2020) degree in theology from the Faculty of Theology – University of Oslo-Norway. She is a practical theologian with speciality in pastoral care and counselling. Her research interest focuses on marriage and family life, church Leadership, Administration and Management, Religion and Governance and contemporary issues in African women’s theologies.


Rev. Wenji Konyu Emmanuel – Geology (UB), B.Th., M.Th. (PTS Kumba) Lecturer of Biblical Hebrew, Old Testament Exegesis/Theology and Chaplain of PTS Kumba (July 2016 – date). Secretary General of AREOPAGUS – Systematic Theology Forum of PCC pastors (July 2014 – date). Examiner of the Cameroon Ordinary Level (GCE – O/L) religious studies certificate examination (2009 – 2018). He is interested in Contextual Biblical Interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures and has particular concern for the relevance of Reconstruction in the ongoing African Theological discourse.



The Librarian at Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kumba functions in assisting students and lecturers in selecting and using research materials to facilitate teaching and learning at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kumba. The daily duties aside teaching includes, oversight of the daily operations of the Herman Hertzog Library, through planning, organizing, co-ordinating, and providing library services for all library users in and out of PTS Kumba.  This is to ensure that library users have what they need to learn and explore topics of interest. Thus the one assists library users to locate resources. He/she also  co-ordinates and creates programmes to increase library awareness. Besides the Librarian evaluates library inventory needs to make requisition, identify technological needs and make recommendations. The one also oversee the work of all library co-ordinators, and assistants and educate library users on the use of catalogues.

Bio Data

Rev. Marceline Yele is a holder of a Master in Theology in Biblical Studies from Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Accra, Ghana, and currently, a PhD student at AkrofiChristaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture, Akropong, Ghana. As an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, she has served in several capacities ranging from Parish Pastor, to School chaplaincy and Lecturing at PTS Kumba. Her research interests are to explore the intersection between Gender, Culture, Bible Translation and Interpretation in African Mother Tongues, specializing in the Old Testament. She has a family in Cameroon where she resides, and is also a mother of children.

ICT Officer

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Mankah Nicoline Amabo is holder of Institution: Bachelor of Technology (BTech) in Information and Communication Technology from the Higher Technical Teachers Training College (HTTTC) Kumba of the University of Buea, Cameroon. She is interested in: Computer Hardware, Software and related fields; manage household and public documentation services; Book typesetting formatting and designing; etc. Since 2020 she has developed and taught courses like Introduction to Computer Software, Fault Diagnosis and Information and Communication Technology at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Finance Officer I

Mbella Bernard Nganje is holder of Stage III in Accounts, Commence and Economics in the Royal Society of Arts Examination Board London. OND in Development studies in Pan Africa Institute for Development Buea. BSc in Accounting, in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira Nigeria. He has worked as a Financial Administrator with HELVETAS – Cameroon (Swiss Cooperation for Development) from 1983 -1989. Ebako Medical Centre Kumba as hospital Administrator from 1990 -1997. Finance officer in PCC various departments from 1997 till date. Presently he is the Vote Controller of PTS Kumba.

Finance Officer II

Miss. AYUKETA Laurantine EYONG is holder of a Professional Degree (Bachelor of Technology) in Banking and Finance from the Higher Institute of Management Studies (HIMS) Molyko Buea, 2019. Higher National Diploma (HND) – Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB), 2018. Field: Business Finance and Management, Specialty: Banking and Finance. Administrative Assistant i/c of Projects, PTS Kumba- in collaboration with two departments i.e., Finance Department and Bishop July International Centre for Research, Inter-Religious Dialogue, and Development (BJICRID).

Programme Officer, BJICRID


Bishop July International Centre for Research, Inter- Religious Dialogue and Development (BJICRID) is an arm of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kumba. Its Objective is to promote research, inter religious dialogue and Development through conferences and workshops. It renders humanitarian services to the community through its socio-economic and psychosocial component. In collaboration with the Dean, the Programme Officer does the day to day activities of the centre. He/She writes and backstop projects in the Church and the community

Bio data

Mrs Forbi Eunice Sirri  is a PhD student  in the department of Sociology in the University of Buea. She holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies  with Diplomas in Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams for conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Post Conflict Rehabilitation ( REACT) and a certificate in Hostile Environment Awareness Training( HEAT) from Helsinki Madrid Spain, a certificate in Project Management , Procurement and logistics from Nigeria with several attestations in varied fields to her credit. She is the Program officer  of BJCRID and a part time lecturer in the MACL Masters class.  She is interested in research in the social sciences and humanities.