Welcome to Presbyterian Theological Seminary Kumba

Rev. Prof. Mbengu David Nyiawung is Dean of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary since July 2016
He is holder of a PhD degree from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Pretoria – South Africa – in the area of New Testament Interpretation, with emphasis on African biblical hermeneutics as an approach in biblical interpretation. His stress on Contextualisation gives credence to Community Gospel as one of the pillars of relevant theological education for contemporary society.
As Dean, his focus on community engagement is visible in the creation of the Bishop July International Centre for Research, Inter-religious Dialogue, Research and Development, a research and development arm of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Kumba. Through this Centre, about 1080 households have been empowered through the partnership with Kerk in Actie.

Rev. Dr. Felix Kang Esoh is Vice Dean in Charge of Academic Affairs since July 2020.
Since July 2020, the Rev. Dr. Felix Kang Esoh is the VDAA of the PTS. He is holder of a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in World Christianity and Mission Studies from the Global Institute of Theology, United Graduate School of Theology in Yonsei University, South Korea. He is interested in, African Cultural, Political and Religious History, World Christianity, Cultural and Mission Studies, African and Global Pentecostalism, Reformation History and the Reformed Tradition, Ecumenical and Interreligious Studies, African socio-political and conflict history, contemporary Women and Gender issues and Decolonisation (Global Decolonal processes). He has published a number of academic articles and book chapters.